
The Secretariat provides administrative and operational support to the partnership and facilitates collaboration with all partners

Executive office

Laura Frigenti
Laura Frigenti
Chief Executive Officer
Charles North
Charles North
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Julie Desangles
Julie Desangles
Chief of Staff

Country engagement and policy

Jo Bourne
Jo Bourne
Chief Technical Officer
Fazle Rabbani
Fazle Rabbani
Regional Manager
Tahina Razafindramary
Tahina Razafindramary
Regional Manager
Nilse Ryman
Nilse Ryman
Regional Manager
Raphaelle Martinez
Raphaelle Martinez
Team Lead, Education Policy and Learning
Morgan Hanadi Strecker
Morgan Hanadi Strecker
Team Lead, Strategy and Coordination


Maria Jose Olavarria Perez
Maria Jose Olavarria Perez
Team Lead, Advisor to the Board Chair and Vice Chair

Secretariat Operations

Charlie Tapp
Charlie Tapp
Chief Operating Officer
Prathana Shah
Prathana Shah
Team Lead, Operations
Tamara Postma
Tamara Postma
Team Lead, Secretariat Services
Andrey Kiselev
Andrey Kiselev
Senior KM/Information Systems Officer
Susan Wakabayashi
Susan Wakabayashi
Team Lead, Organization and Staff Development

Finance and grant operations

Padraig Power
Padraig Power
Sven Baeten
Sven Baeten
Team Lead, Grant Operations
Kirsten Majgaard
Kirsten Majgaard
Team Lead, Quality Assurance
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith
Team Lead, Risk and Compliance
Kareen Nzakimuena
Kareen Nzakimuena
Team Lead, Grant Process and Data

External relations

Karen Schroh
Karen Schroh
Acting Director, Fundraising and Operations
Breanna Ridsdel
Breanna Ridsdel
Director, Advocacy and Communications
Stijn De Lameillieure
Stijn De Lameillieure
Team Lead, Private sector and foundations
Sabine Terlecki
Sabine Terlecki
Team Lead, Donor Relations
Tamara Kummer
Tamara Kummer
Team Lead, Communications
Julie Mwabe
Julie Mwabe
Team Lead, Global Advocacy
Heather Saunders
Heather Saunders
Deputy Team Lead, Global Advocacy
Chantal Rigaud
Chantal Rigaud
Deputy Team Lead, Communications

Results and performance

Nidhi Khattri
Nidhi Khattri


Margarita Focas Licht
Margarita Focas Licht
Michelle Mesen
Michelle Mesen
Team Lead, Partner country engagement
Ian Macpherson
Ian Macpherson
Team Lead, Knowledge and Innovation Exchange
Sarah Beardmore
Sarah Beardmore
Team Lead, Strategic capabilities
April Michelle Golden
April Michelle Golden
Team Lead, Effective Partnerships