- Total number of countries: -
- Total number of grants: -
- Total grant amount: -
Millions US$
- By default, the map presents every grant approved since 2003. Global grants are excluded from the map but appear in the data downloads.
- The years used are calendar years (January through December). 'Start date' refers to the first day of the period selected while 'End date' refers to the last day of the period selected. The map and data export display all grants that have been active or pending at any point between the two selected dates.
- Grant data for the ongoing quarter may not include complete disbursement or utilization data as reporting schedules vary by grant agent.
- Grant types:
- AF: Accelerated financing
- ESPDG: Education sector plan development grant
- ESPIG: Education sector program implementation grant
- PDG: Program development grant
- MLT: Multiplier grant
- SCG: System capacity grant
- STG: System transformation grant
- Each grant is counted separately, including when a grant is an accelerated funding, except when additional financing is added to an existing grant.
- Disbursements refer to financial transfers from the GPE Trust Fund to grant agents. The utilization refers to transfers to and actual expenditure by programs.
- Grant allocation for closed grants includes refunds and cancellations even if the refund occurred in a subsequent year.
- The World Bank income categorization from the year prior to grant approval is applied to each grant.
- The GPE list of partner countries affected by fragility and conflict (PCFC) is created by merging the World Bank fragility list with the UNESCO conflict-affected list.
- The categorization ‘PCFC’ looks at the grant approval year and pulls data for the previous year. The exceptions are grants approved in 2016 and earlier, which all use 2016 data.
- Grant status refers to the status of the grant on the last day of the selected quarter.
- On the data export file, start date refers to the actual start date for grants that are active or closed and expected start date for pending grants; Closing date refers to the expected closing date for grants that are active or pending and to the actual closing date for grants that are closed.
The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of GPE, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.