Report fraud and abuse

Find out where to report suspected cases of fraud or misuse of GPE grants, and sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment within GPE operations and programs.

Reporting sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment

GPE has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH) of any kind and is committed to addressing all forms of SEAH through prevention, mitigation and response.

Preventing SEAH is a shared responsibility. All partners must play an active role in reporting and addressing SEAH incidents as they occur.

The GPE Policy on protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment outlines both expectations and requirements for GPE governance officials, GPE Secretariat staff and all GPE partners involved in the implementation of GPE grants to manage SEAH risk and address SEAH incidents, should they occur in the delivery of GPE program of work.

The responsible party for receiving reports and conducting investigation of SEAH incidents vary:

  • The World Bank, as host of the GPE Secretariat, is responsible for addressing all SEAH incidents involving GPE Secretariat staff, and shall apply its own policies and procedures to address all SEAH incidents. Please contact @email to report incidents involving GPE Secretariat staff.
  • All allegations pertaining to non-GPE Secretariat staff governance officials will be handled in accordance with the GPE Code of Ethical Conduct for Governance Officials. Please contact @email to report incidents involving governance officials.
  • Grant agents have primary responsibility for investigating SEAH incidents within GPE funded programs and shall use their own policies and procedures to investigate and manage all SEAH incidents. Accordingly, grant agents are required to meet and maintain GPE’s minimum standards on SEAH. Please report SEAH incidents on GPE funded programs to the relevant grant agent using the reporting mechanisms listed below.

Reporting mechanisms of grant agents

To report suspected cases of fraud or SEAH in GPE-funded programs, please contact the appropriate grant agent:

Grant agent Fraud reporting channel SEAH reporting channel
Aga Khan Foundation USA (AFK) AKF Global Safeguarding
Agence française de développement (AFD) Transparency Policy
E&S complaints mechanism
AFD Group's policy to prevent and combat corruption, fraud, anti-competitive practices, money laundering and terrorist financing (2020)
Report SEAH cases
AFD does not have a specific procedure to manage the risks related to gender-based violence and sexual harassment. This is however covered by the operating procedures which aim to identify, prevent or mitigate environmental and social risks and impacts:
Règlement du dispositif de gestion des réclamations environnementales et sociales
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Website
Anticorruption policy
External parties can contact the Office of Professional Conduct in relation to any breach of the ADB's Code of Conduct by an ADB staff member or persons required to comply with the Code of Conduct by emailing: @email or phone +63 (2) 8632 4080.
CAMFED Whistleblowing Policy
Email: @email
Anti Bribery and Corruption
Child Protection Policy
CARE USA Ethicspoint CARE Line (includes the online channel and phone reporting information)
Somalia CARE hotlines (not showing on CARE Line as those are local lines only): 2244 (Mogadishu/ Banaadir); 2063 (Southwest, Jubaland)
Policy on Fraud and Corruption
CARE International Safeguarding Policy
Concern International Report fraud and SEAH cases
Anti-Fraud Policy
Code of Conduct and Associated Policies
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Code of Ethics
Whistleblower Portal
Code of Conduct
Ethics and Integrity Website
Policy of Sexual Misconduct
Enabel, Belgian Development Agency Integrity desk
Create allegation
Policy regarding Fraud and Corruption Risk Management
Each suspected case or indication of sexual exploitation and abuse can be reported to a Focal Point SEA or directly to the Integrity desk: Integrity desk
Policy on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) - Formerly DFID Reporting of fraud and SEAH cases: Any concerns about fraud and, sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH) relating to FCDO staff or programmes should be reported to FCDO’s dedicated Safeguarding Investigations Team via: @email or telephone +44 1355 843747.
Complaints procedure
FCDO's standards, guidance for partners and information on how to report a concern
Global Campaign for Education (GCE) – CSEF grant only Not available
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
E-Mail: @email Helpline: 202-623-3007 or Toll free: 1-877-354-4037
Office of the Institutional Integrity
Report complaints to the Office of Institutional Integrity (OII)
Report Environmental and Social Grievances
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) – KIX only Report by sending an email to
Reporting to the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Not available
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Website
Whistleblower Witness Protection Policy
Environmental and Social Safeguards Policy EthicsPoint
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Code of Conduct for NRC Staff
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Access Grievance Redress Form and Sexual Exploitation & Harassment Form
Oxfam Denmark Report online Oxfam Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
Plan International - Plan Canada Safeguarding Policy and Procedures website
CAMMS Incident Reporting System
Save the Children Australia Complaints information and contact details
Anonymous reporting of SEAH and fraud cases
Anti-corruption Policy
Email for safeguarding advice
Save the Children Italy EthicsPoint
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
PSEAH Policy
Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct
Dedicated reporting line 24/7: +39 345. 9544926
E-mail: @email
Save the Children Norway Website
Email: @email
Phone: 22 99 09 00 (ask for the Whistleblowing Manager)
Save the Children UK Report of Fraud and SEAH cases
Accountability and transparency
Save the Children USA Ethicspoint
Report via email: @email
Report via email: @email
Report via phone: +1 844-287-1892 (USA)
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) Website
To report send an e-mail to: @email
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Website
Whistleblowing Platform
UNESCO Internal Oversight Service website
Report fraud, corruption, or other misconduct
Telephones: +33 (0)1456 80907 ; +33 (0)1456 85571
Address: UNESCO
Internal Oversight Service,
Investigation Section, 7,
Place de Fontenoy 75352
Paris 07 SP, France
Victims and other individuals who are aware of an incident of SEA are encouraged to report here
Also report to PSEA focal points in the respective field office or email @email
Retaliation Complaint Form
PSEA Policy
UNICEF Investigations' website
Report wrongdoing
Report by email: @email
By mail: Office of Internal Audit - Investigation Section
United Nations Children's Fund
Three United Nations Plaza
New York, New York
10017 USA
The World Bank Group Website
Complaint form
Telephone: (202) 458-7679
Reporting Sexual Harassment or Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving a World Bank Group Staff Member