A school boy in Nicaragua. Credit: GPE

Partner since:

Total grant support: US$57,238,255

Grant eligibility:

  • Multiplier
  • System capacity
  • System transformation

Partnership Compact

Priority: Strengthening the quality of education and increasing the coverage of early childhood education, including a gender component.

Other key documents

Transforming education in Nicaragua

Nicaragua has increased enrollment in primary education, but low learning levels and high numbers of out-of-school children, especially in rural areas, call for transformative change.

The government is working with GPE and other partners to strengthen the quality of education and increase the coverage of early childhood education, with a gender component.

Aligned with the national Education Plan for 2022-2026, Nicaragua’s Partnership Compact prioritizes early learning and builds on previous GPE-supported interventions.

Nicaragua aims to boost the knowledge and skills of teachers through better training and improve the conditions of early learning infrastructure by ensuring safe, accessible, and comfortable spaces that promote child development.

Strengthening institutional monitoring of the education system, especially at the early childhood level, is expected to contribute to better quality and higher enrollment. Transversal to all planned interventions is a commitment to gender-responsive policy planning and implementation.

Result story

Nicaragua: Safer and resilient schools after Hurricane Julia

The ministry of education and UNICEF, with the support of GPE, are reactivating learning spaces to ensure at least 150 students in preschool and multigrade primary schools can continue to learn.


(data as of May 09, 2024)

  • Type: Program development

    Years: 2024

    Allocation: US$178,155

    Utilization: 0

    Grant agent: UNICEF

  • Type: Accelerated funding

    Years: 2023 - 2024

    Allocation: US$1,000,000

    Utilization: US$54,146

    Grant agent: UNICEF

Civil society engagement

  • GPE’s Education Out Loud fund supported the Asociación Foro de Educación y Desarrollo Humano de la Iniciativa por Nicaragua (FEDH-IPN) for the 2019-2021 period.
  • Previously, GPE had provided FEDH-IPN with a Civil Society Education Fund grant to support its engagement in education sector policy dialogue and citizens’ voice in education quality, equity, and financing and sector reform.
  • Learn more

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