
View Italy’s priority areas for development cooperation in education along with its contributions to the GPE Fund.

Partner since
GPE focal point
Board constituency
Donor 5
Pledge for 2021-2025 replenishment
Total contributions to GPE

Italy and development cooperation

Italy’s development cooperation aims to promote sustainable agriculture, access to clean water, sustainable energy, education, work dignity and gender equality. It works to combat all forms of violence and to guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health.

Total official development assistance (ODA) (USD 6.0 billion, preliminary data) increased in 2021, representing 0.28% of gross national income (GNI).

Aid to education

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation sets the strategic direction of Italian Development Cooperation. The country’s development priorities include a strong emphasis on tackling the root causes of migration, particularly on the African continent.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), which manages Italy’s bilateral development cooperation, focuses development cooperation in five thematic areas:

  1. Economic development and opportunities;
  2. Human development (including health and education, gender equality and disabilities);
  3. Environment and use of natural resources;
  4. Rural development and food security;
  5. Conflict-affected and fragile states.

Following the 3 years Program document of the Ministry (2021-2023), thematic priorities of the Italian cooperation include human rights, disarmament, environment, implementation of 2030 Agenda, sustainable agriculture, SRHR, education, gender equality and women empowerment, governance.

Italy and GPE

Italy joined GPE in 2005. Since then, contributions to GPE amount to US$67,074,598.

On June 9, 2021, Italy renewed its longstanding commitment to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) with a €25 million pledge towards the GPE “Raise Your Hand” financing campaign.

Italy sits on the Strategy and Impact Committee.

In Mozambique, Italy, along with GPE and others, contributes to the Education Sector Support Fund (Fundo de Apoio ao Sector da Educação, FASE), which was set up in 2002. Since then, it has helped the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) to substantially increase access to education, improve its quality, and reduce gender disparities in the country.

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Last updated April 09, 2024