Transforming education in Fiji

Fiji has achieved 100% net enrolment in primary education and 88% in secondary, and a completion rate of nearly 100% for primary. But upon completing primary education, only 68% of children have achieved basic competency levels in literacy and 73% in numeracy.

Many students struggle to progress through secondary education, especially boys living in rural areas. As outlined in Fiji’s Partnership Compact the government is working with GPE and other partners to strengthen system-wide collaboration to enhance teaching quality and thereby improve learning outcomes.

Fiji is focusing on four leveraging points to affect transformative change. The first is better teacher professional development and support systems to improve curriculum implementation and use of data to inform teaching.

The second is strengthening coherence in teaching and curricula application by teachers and school management with emphasis on foundational learning and attention to individual student needs.

The third is improving school readiness through more support for early childhood education and transitions to primary education.

The fourth is to advance values, mutual respect, gender equality and inclusion through school engagement with students’ families and by enabling schools to be safe, inclusive and supportive for all students.


(data as of May 09, 2024)

  • Type: System capacity

    Years: 2022 - 2023

    Allocation: US$587,879

    Utilization: US$261,171

    Grant agent: UNICEF

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